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Kim Fonder's artwork is created with organic paints and pigments and is focused on modern forms. 

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Etnografica Nero Et Umber

Etnografica Nero Et Umber Kim Fonder $3500 36 x 48.jpg
Etnografica Nero Et Umber 36 x 48 $3500 Kim Fonder.jpg
Etnografica Nero Et Umber 36 x 48 Kim Fonder $3500.jpg
Etnografica Nero Et Umber Kim Fonder 36 x 48 $3500.jpg
Etnografica Nero Et Umber Kim Fonder $3500 36 x 48.jpg
Etnografica Nero Et Umber 36 x 48 $3500 Kim Fonder.jpg
Etnografica Nero Et Umber 36 x 48 Kim Fonder $3500.jpg
Etnografica Nero Et Umber Kim Fonder 36 x 48 $3500.jpg
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Etnografica Nero Et Umber


Shallow marks on cave walls, shadows cast from wooden huts, straight roads to form connections; these are the lines and shapes that make us human. The Etnografica Series is an expansive collection of abstract contemporary art, and it is united around the concept of self-expression without ego. This painting is umber and charcoal and measures 36” tall and 48” wide. Can be shown in either a horizontal or vertical orientation.

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