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Kim Fonder's artwork is created with organic paints and pigments and is focused on modern forms. 


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Filtering by Tag: RH x Kim Fonder

RH x Kim Fonder

Kim Fonder

RH General Public launches my series PN PLUS

What’s new with you?

I recently had the opportunity to work with RH General Public, and this week I was their featured artist. Bucket list, check. Take a look at the page Kim Fonder.

In case you haven’t heard about General Public, they’re an art curation and publishing company based in LA. And, they’re revolutionizing the way the world collects art.

Founded by Portia de Rossi, General Public created her proposition : a painting shouldn't be enjoyed by just one person, but should be available to all. The General Public Synograph™, a printing technology, redefines the limits of printing by recreating every detail of the original artwork with total fidelity. Capturing the nuances of brushwork and technique, these textured prints are an authentic expression of my vision.

There’s something else in the works that I’m looking forward to sharing, very soon. Until then, visit the gallery and support our featured artists at Exhibit art + object.